Our Styling Package offers creative inspiration, practical solutions and hands-on styling to address any interior issues you may have. Whether you need to discuss a particular design dilemma or seek guidance on a decorating project, we are happy to help.
If you need a colour consultation, we bring a wide range of large format paint swatches from brands such as Dulux, Little Greene and Farrow & Ball to help you set the perfect mood.
For those looking to refresh your interiors, we can restyle and make the most of your existing furniture, furnishings and accessories before discussing key purchasing additions. This approach is often all that is required to update a space and can help identify where further investment might be best directed, avoiding costly mistakes.
We can focus our efforts on one room or multiple rooms, depending on the level of design and styling input each space requires.
£250 – Half Day (3.5 hours) / £450 – Full Day (7 hours)