9 Tips to prepare your house for viewings

Our home is usually the biggest investment we make in our lives, so no wonder we want to show it off to its best and maximise its selling potential! But once you have prepared and styled your home for sale, the photographs have been taken and the estate agent has set up appointments, what can be done before each viewing to ensure all your hard work has paid off?

When we are used to living in a space for a long time, it is very easy to become ‘blind’ to our surroundings. By taking time to walk through our home as if for the first time, we can see it through the eyes of a potential buyer and make improvements that could increase its appeal, for the photographs and for viewings.

As an interior designer and stylist in Bath, Bristol, Somerset and Wiltshire, I have helped many properties reach their full potential this way, but for the sake of this blog, let’s assume you have already made the necessary tweaks to present your home in its best light. What can be done before each viewing to ensure all your hard work has paid off? Here are my top tips for property viewings to help secure the best possible deal.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

First impressions

‘Kerb appeal’ is essential, after all, we don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression and buyers often form a decision within the first few minutes. Make sure the front of the house stays well maintained and weeded, with bins and toys etc. tidied away. A pressure washer is well worth the rental cost to make the path look it’s best at all times. It lifts the mood of even the shadiest areas and reassures potential buyers that the rest of the house is also well cared for.

If you have off-street parking outside the house, keep this space free during viewing times. The front of the house can therefore be easily seen without obstruction. Prospective buyers can easily drive into the property and get a better idea of how it would feel to own it.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Space to Imagine

If you are showing the property yourself, allow the potential buyer to lead the way when walking into each room for maximum effect.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Tutt-tutt to clutter

Tidiness and cleanliness are key. Now is not the time to leave ironing and ‘to do’ piles out – Clutter will deflect from the positive attributes of the room. Make sure all the hard work in preparing your home for sale does not fall short at the last hurdle.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer


Bathrooms should be spotless and clutter-free. If you only have a few minutes to turn this around in the morning before viewings, I’d suggest placing everything on the surfaces and window sill away – even if this means storing them temporarily in a box until the viewing is over (or even in the laundry basket if necessary, assuming it has a lid). Have a fresh white soap or pretty soap dispenser for the basin and some fresh white towels at-hand specifically for viewings. Use an old towel to polish the taps and basin and swill out the shower/bath before heading out… Voila! Oh and always keep the toilet lid closed.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer


As a rule of thumb, I would suggest all kitchen surfaces and window sills should be treated in the same way as the bathroom by being clutter free, with only a few items left out for show. As with the bathroom, put all excess items in a box and store them in a cupboard until the viewing is over. Give worktops, taps and stainless steel a quick buff with a dry cloth. If your kitchen is small, perhaps consider removing the toaster and any large appliances from the worktop as well. If you can, have a clean tea towel out on viewing days.

Preparing the home ready for saleis an ideal opportunity to start packing up some of the less-used appliances and crockery, and store in the attic or shed ready for moving day, to sell or donate. As well as making the kitchen feel bigger and brighter, it will also make viewing days easier to prepare for.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

A room with a view

Ideally, have your windows cleaned inside and out before putting the house on the market. Keep all curtains and blinds open during viewings for maximum light and impact. There are many clever solutions to help with unsightly views, which could be considered during the preparation of your home. A Venetian blind left down but open could be used if there is a view that is not complimentary to the home. Full length plain, very sheer voile curtains may also be effective in certain rooms. For a downright awful view, frosted sticky-back vinyl over part of the window may just do the trick.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Show off your best features

If you have a working fireplace, and viewings are being carried out during colder weather, lighting the fire is a sure-fire way of making a memorable impression. During warmer days, make sure the garden furniture has been put out and dressed e.g. with some cushions and a tray of refreshments.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Set the mood

Turning on any accent lighting in the kitchen or bathroom, such as under-cabinet and recess lighting adds extra ambience to the space. Inexpensive plug-in timers can be used to allow side lights in other rooms to be on during viewing times and creates a welcoming ambience. If funds allow, battery operated real wax LED candles are readily available online to help create a ‘spa’ ambience in a bathroom.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Smell well to sell well

Paying attention to how our homes smell during viewing times is often overlooked. I find that opting for natural fragrances within a scented candle, fresh flowers or a bowl of citrus fruit is better than artificially smelling air fresheners – Whatever works for your budget. It is well known that supermarkets use this trick by pumping the smell of freshly baked bread. Semi-baked bread or bought biscuits baked for a few minutes in the oven works well.

As much as possible, avoid pet odours by aerating the home well and keeping litter trays clean or out of sight.

Interior design and styling by Catriona Archer

Are you looking for an estate agent in Bath, Somerset or surrounding areas? There are some great agents to choose from. For a personal service with outstanding attention to detail to help you achieve a successful stress-free sale, try Anabel Higgin www.nested.com/bath

I hope this article has been helpful to you and I wish you the very best with your sale and move. If you would like help in making the most of your home before selling, or help moving into your new home and live in the Bath, Bristol, Somerset and Wiltshire area, feel free to drop me a line as I’d be only too happy to help.